The Holy Spirit and Five New Testament Doctrines

by Joe B. Hopper

Joe's 1951 Th.M. thesis from Union Theological Seminary. In this study, Joe examines the Holy Spirit in conjunction with five New Testament doctrines: Inspiration, Incarnation, Regeneration, Sanctification, and Ecclesiology.

The more Christians grow and are united in this fellowship the less are they drawn to fellowship with the world and the unfruitful works of darkness. Just as a major task of the Spirit is to sanctify the individual Christian, so He also strives to purify the Church. Just as the life in the Spirit enables us to destroy the desires that war in our members, integrating our lives into one living organism, building it as one structure, the temple of the Spirit, so the Spirit operates in the Church to bring unity of thought and desire and purpose under the Lordship of Christ.