ARP Congregations of York County, SC (as of 1903)

Sketches of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian congregations of York County, SC (as of 1903). Read More
From the 1903 Centenial History of the ARP:
In July, 1895, Mr. A. S. Rogers, then a student in Erskine Seminary, was sent to Rock Hill, S. C., by the Board of Home Missions, to open a mission in that city. He found sixteen members of the A. R. P. Church there, and commenced work. Armory Hall was rented and the first service was held July 7th The attendance and outlook was encouraging from the beginning, and at a meeting of the First Presbytery, held at Clover, S. C., Sept. 30th of the same year, the Presbytery appointed a commission to organize a church there, and also appointed a committee consisting of Revs. Oliver Johnson, C. E. McDonald and Hon. D. E. Finley to co-operate with a committee of the congregation in raising funds and in building a house of worship. On Nov. 19th, 1895, Revs. J. S. Moffatt, J. T. Chalmers and elders Joseph Wylie and Matthew White organized a church of twenty-six members with W. F. Strait, M. D., R. T. Wright and J. M. Lauridge, elders, and L. Black and J. L. White deacons. At the close of the Seminary in June, 1896, Rev. A. S. Rogers, who had completed the course, and been licensed at the spring meeting, was returned to Rock Hill, and appointed to the field for a term of five years. Mr. Rogers canvassed the church for funds to erect a building, and was successful in raising them. The present beautiful and commodious building was begun in 1897, and completed in 1898. The building is of pressed brick, with granite trimmings, and fine architectural effects. It has had a steady and rapid growth, and now has about one hundred and fifty members, and bids fair to become one of our strongest churches. On Dec. 19th, 1901, Rev. A. S. Rogers was installed as pastor, and continues until the present time.
The church published its history in a book.
Sketches of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian congregations of York County, SC (as of 1903). Read More